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Mother and daughter during participation in the MindBenders workshop
Kenyon who is a MindCrafter Workshop participant standing with a horse
MasterMind Group Participant standing with a horse

Individual & Family Programs

Our programs work through 3 fundamentals: 


  1. Self awareness

  2. Emotional management

  3. Mental health maintenance​


This learning is anchored in memory through hands-on learning experiences  provided by our Building Block TM Certified Equine Assisted Learning Program (Where horses are the teachers ~ no riding.) When emotions are tied to the lesson ~ and they most definitely are ~ the learning is retained!


People who know how to:
  • Deal with tough emotions 
  • Ask for help 
  • Change a negative mindset
  • Get out of 'reaction' mode
  • Handle their stress
  • Push past fear... 
Will change their lives!​
Two youth working with a horse. One is brushng the horse and the other is walking.
Youth participant Kenyon with a horse

“This program has been so incredible for Kenyon. His confidence in all facets of his daily life (including in school where he had previously struggled a fair amount), has grown exponentially. His general disposition and mood have improved. His ability to take responsibility for his actions and his accountability have also improved significantly. He is also more open and willing to share a dialogue instead of shutting down.”

Jordana & Tom Sims
Parents of  Curriculum Graduate

Why This Works!

Working alongside our horse teachers is the key to success!

When we combine theory with lived experience, guided by gold star emotional responders (horses) you gain insight and growth that you will never forget!


As Alberta's leading center for social-emotional learning, we deliver an Internationally Recognized Equine Assisted Learning Program that integrates emotional, mental and personal skills development into fun and inspiring learning experiences!

Let's Create Every Chance to SUCCEED!

We reinforce these skills with Growth Mindset practices that provide even more tools for success! Handling fear, knowing yourself, brain breaks and gratitude are a few of the topics that are introduced to drive home the objectives throughout this learning journey. We plant the seeds, we get real about where participants are at and we build the foundation of strength & skills that WILL cause them to SHINE.!


Our progressive 4, 8 & 12 week programs, as well as our workshop events are specifically designed to teach participants how to handle their stress.  Every person gains experiences + simple tools to draw on when facing struggles in everyday life. EVERY TIME that they work through those big emotions in class they are strengthening themselves to create new, more positive outcomes in everyday life! Participants will learn to recognize their emotions, know how to regulate those emotions AND have the personal strength to 'reset' themselves when things get difficult & negativity arises.

How do we Ensure Their BEST Futures?

  • Develop a GROWTH MINDSET that seeks to learn and empower
  • Identify the personal STRENGTHS that give each Youth value & purpose
  • Develop the positive ASSETS that create growth, drive, resilience & integrity
  • Build the CONFIDENCE that positively affects all of their relationships & experiences​

The programs & events at Confident Kids Canada are designed to focus on the social-emotional competencies & developmental assets that help people become the best that they can be! Through learning, experiencing and embracing these assets, participants can begin to reverse neurological and biological damages caused by trauma & toxic stress! Furthermore, they learn the resiliency and strength of character that ultimately translates into more positive social behaviours and reduction of ineffective behaviours. Imagine...!

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People Leave Our Programs KNOWING How To:

  • Create their own happiness, no matter what
  • Re-set from negativities
  • Develop & enjoy awesome relationships
  • Accept responsibility and accountability
  • Face their own limiting behaviours
  • Be creative and innovative (resourceful!)
  • Find value in working with others
  • Communicate far more effectively
  • Honour, trust, respect others
  • And so much more...!
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Youth with certificates after completing MasterMinds

I learned to communicate better with my teammates. I also learned that the horses are just like people and need to be comforted just like humans. They need trust and connection too. They are also very comforting to come to."

Tiana Williston 

Youth Graduate

building block curriculum infographic

One Of A Kind

Our one of a kind BuildingBlock™ Certified Equine-Assisted Learning Program© is University researched, globally recognized and utilized by the Calgary Board of Education.


Click here to check out some research!

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